
FreeFireUniverse.com is a fan-based website and is not affiliated with Garena or any official developers of Free Fire. All the content published on this site, including but not limited to game guides, news, updates, and character information, is for informational purposes only and does not represent official views or endorsements from Garena or Free Fire.

We do not claim ownership of any game-related intellectual property, images, or trademarks belonging to Garena or Free Fire. All rights to Free Fire and associated content belong to Garena, and we do not use such content for commercial purposes. Our intent is to provide the Free Fire community with engaging, informative, and fan-driven content.

Accuracy of Information:
While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content on our website. Users should verify the information on official platforms.

We are not liable for any damages or losses incurred through the use of the content provided on our website. Visitors use our website at their own risk.